Donnels Creek Church of the Brethren
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About Donnels Creek Church of the Brethren
As people of the Church of the Brethren, we affirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We strive to be examples of what it means to be a Christian. We base our faith and our lives on the Holy Bible, God's inspired and inerrant Word. Love for Christ and His Body is freely shared as we gather around His Word, study, share with others, and fellowship and worship together. Under God's direction we are seeking new ways to take Jesus Christ and His love to the community around us so others might find the peace and assurance we share in this body.

We are a country church with members from all walks of life. We support a growing youth program with many fine adult leaders. The youth take an active part in the weekly services by singing, Bible reading, and running the video equipment. 

Donnels Creek Church was established in 1809. The church has many new and up-to-date systems. We have a hearing-aid loop for telephone enabled hearing aids.  We video record all services for those who are not able to be present. We have a projection system for video presentations during the service. We also have video monitors in the nursery, kitchen and foyers, so the church service is available to the volunteers helping in these areas of the church.
The Brethren love to cook, and they love to eat. We have many special events throughout the year. 
We have a very large home goods sale in July to raise funds to support our missionaries.  Many different items are available at very reasonable cost.
The Girl Friends unlimited have many special events​ throughout the year.

Pastor: Matthew Pittman

Sunday School 9:00 AM
Worship Service 10:10 AM

Telephone 937-964-8032

 6562 Detrick-Jordan Pike
 Springfield, OH 45502

Sunday School --  We have Sunday School classes that cover all ages from the Little Lambs (3 to 4 years old) to a variety of classes for adults so you can find a class that suits you. We also have teachers who work with special needs children.

Junior Church -- Children 3 and older may worship together during church at a level they can understand.

Youth Group -- The youth group does many activities like helping during the strawberry social. They also participate in Operation Christmas Child, and every fifth Sunday in a month is Youth Sunday!  

Girlfriends Unlimited --  This is a women's fellowship that is made up of many small groups.  The groups include Forever Fit, Dining Divas, Cuisine Queens, Gaming Gals and many more so there is something for just about every interest. Each group gets together monthly, and all the groups come together for special Girlfriends Unlimited events.

Men's Group -- "Men's Night Out" often go to dinner while the ladies are participating in Girlfriends Unlimited activities.

​Wednesday evening Bible Study -- Bible studies on hold due to Covid-19.  All are welcome no matter what your level of Bible knowledge.  We help you understand what the Bible is saying to us, so we can apply it to our lives.

Mission: Love God, Love Others, Know Christ and Make Him Known!
So come and join us and experience great friendship, warm fellowship, and the love of Christ!  We welcome all to be a part of the fellowship that gathers here at the Donnels Creek Church of the Brethren.